Recipe Round-up: Healthy Summer Cocktails!

Recipe Round-up: Healthy Summer Cocktails!

I’ll be the first to admit that I LOVE sitting down to relax outside on a warm summer evening with a yummy cocktail or glass of wine. In fact, I’m known within my circle of friends and family for being the “drink maker” lol! I’ll take that title any day. When it comes to drinks, I like to keep it FRESH. See what I mean by reading on.

Craving Carbs? 7 Simple Ways to Balance Bread and Rev up the Veggies!

Craving Carbs? 7 Simple Ways to Balance Bread and Rev up the Veggies!

Anytime someone says to me “bread is bad”, I’ll be the first to set them straight (with a smile of course :)).  Bread is great! But too much of a good thing can happen. If you're looking to find "balance in the bread", so-to-speak, check out these tasty bread swaps!

The C-A-N-O-L-A Philosophy: Easy Ways to Crave Healthy and Eat Sustainably!

The C-A-N-O-L-A Philosophy: Easy Ways to Crave Healthy and Eat Sustainably!

What is the C-A-N-O-L-A philosophy? It’s an acronym I created to help inspire you to cook healthy using sustainable methods that help preserve this amazing Earth we live on. I’d like to share with you my key takeaways from a Farm to Food event I attended featuring none other than canola oil.

3 Easy Ways to Unlock the Potential of Prunes

3 Easy Ways to Unlock the Potential of Prunes

With this year’s Nutrition Month theme ‘Unlock the Potential of Food’, I’ve had the opportunity to partner with the California Dried Plum Board to learn more about a food that I will be the first to admit I’ve not given enough attention to – prunes! Read on to find out how I incorporate them into my diet!

5 Proven Steps for Looking & Feeling your Best with Healthy Habits that Last

5 Proven Steps for Looking & Feeling your Best with Healthy Habits that Last

When we’re feeling like our best, healthiest self, success comes easier in all areas of life including work and personal relationships. That's what makes living a healthy lifestyle so important! Yet it's easier said than done. Learn our 5 proven steps for ditching the diets and embracing a habits-based approach to health for good.